Somerset Cricket League
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1997 Top Ten Bowling Performances
A Harwood (Stoke St Gregory)
8 for 2
P Lambert (Cannington)
8 for 8
T Punchard (Street 2)
8 for 16
J Tullett (Cheddar 2)
8 for 30
D Luxton (Sampford Arundel)
8 for 33
S Long ( Long Sutton)
8 for 34
T Lee (Westlands Sports)
8 for 37
K Burgess (Wedmore)
7 for 4
D Hollands (Taunton)
7 for 6
T Dunevin (Somerton)
7 for 6
There were 50 other performances of 7 wkts., 137 of 6 wkts., and 324 of 5 wkts.