Somerset Cricket League
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2003 Top Ten Bowling Performances
B. Ritchie (Chard A)
9 for 23
M. Coleman (Wells)
8 for 6
M. Cunningham (Staplegrove II)
8 for 14
M. Saunders (Chilton Polden II)
8 for 15
I. Bishop (North Newton)
8 for 25
R. Statham (Belvedere II)
8 for 41
N. Rogers (Chard II)
8 for 48
P. Tamuly (Brent Knoll II)
7 for 19
J. Ponte (Taunton Deane A)
7 for 23
C. Moore (Cheddar)
7 for 24
There were 8 other performances of 7 wkts., 70 of 6 wkts., 207 of 5 wkts.